books to read - Sacha T. Y. Fortuné

Launch Day! Book 1 “Climbing the Walls” is LIVE!

Firstly… of course, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! May this new year bring you everything your mind, heart & soul desire.

Secondly… TODAY’S THE DAY!!!!!! Woot! Book 1 is properly out, launched and everything!

The best part of Book 1’s relaunch is that I’m now so happy with this book leading the pack.

Because… you know what?

My series is AWESOME! My characters are AWESOME.

I love my book babies. I’m SUPER PROUD of them. I’m super proud of myself for actually bringing them to life.

I hereby declare… I’m AWESOME!

If you’re looking for a heart-wrenching gut-punch of a romance read, go grab Book 1 and dive into the whole series. And be sure to leave me a REVIEW once you’re done. These little nuggets of encouragement (or even criticism!) are writers’ crack and we are junkies for it! ??????


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Launch Day! Book 3 “Pandora’s Price” is LIVE!

We’re here. We’re at this point… yep, you’ve guessed it:

Today is the day BOOK 3 LAUNCHES!

Just a reminder — my first published book was released July 28-29, 2018. My second published book was released on January 22, 2019. So there was a good six-month window between Book 1 and Book 2, but only a couple of months until Book 3!

Yikes! So it’s been a helluva couple of months…

Publishing vs. “Net New” Writing

I set a high bar for myself with that two-month window between books, and I don’t recommend this to anyone!

I was cutting it VERY close to the deadline, made a crazy dash to do last-minute edits, and hardly had time to promote both the recently-released Book 2 and the upcoming Book 3! So both books suffered from the short timeline.

BUT I had my reasons. I have a semi-cliffhanger in between Books 2 & 3, so I didn’t want toooooo long of a wait, and I also really wanted to get those books out there as they’ve been around forever!

Book 1 was written over 15 years ago, and what eventually became Books 2 & 3 was finished since 2016! Now, it’s a long way from “finished writing” and actually “ready to publish” but YEARS is way too long.

I needed to get those books out there so I could focus on NEW stories, NEW characters!

I haven’t done much “net new” writing in YEARS, because these books occupied SO MUCH of my head space! I’ve revised and re-read and edited and WORKED so much on what I had, that I didn’t even feel possessed to work on stories that aren’t fully there yet.

So I’m really glad to have Book 3 PUBLISHED, LIVE, AVAILABLE, and most importantly — all its “production” is now OVER.

Now… I can actually, really WRITE.

Book 3: Wrapping Up The Series (for now)

Book 3 wraps up the first chunk of this series. I still have at least two more stories in me for this series — Bryan’s & Stacey’s which will be told in Book 4, and Gianni’s & Vicki’s which will be in Book 5 (not yet titled!). I haven’t figured out how it all ends yet, but I know that the MAIN story is done. Thank God.

The main story was Darren and Luisa… the affair that rocked EVERYTHING. It deserved two books, and I made sure it was PROPERLY told. It’s there. It’s out.

My Book 2 & Book 3 couple is a lot more complicated than Book 1’s. With Darren and Luisa, there’s SO much more. It is SO deep and was SO painful to write.

I’m really glad I ended up leaving it on a cliffhanger so readers could BREATHE between books. Because Book 3 moves SO FAST. There’s a natural break while the two main characters barely speak, but when Book 3 starts back up, it is RAW and goes DARK very, very fast. I repeat:

Book 3 is SWIFT. I’m warning you.

I did spend way more time FEELING my Books 2 & 3 characters, reliving scenes and retooling them. My writing is so, so, so much better by Book 3. I see myself. I am all over the place.

I am Luisa and her indecisive heart.

I am Darren and his desperate redemption.

I am Gianni and his quivering soul.

I am Kris and his eternal regret.

I am Nicole and her volatile seduction.

I am “Hart & Cole”.

They are all a part of me. I am a part of them.

They’re out there. All of them.

And this book is their culmination, for now. Their stories are told. FINALLY.

It’s today. It’s out there. It’s published. Woo-hoo!

Three published books, y’all. I’m a frickin’ WRITER, y’all!

(Now I need to stop boasting and hide in a corner and beg my Book 4 couple to talk to me!)

Get both parts of Darren’s & Luisa’s story now on Amazon:

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Launch Day! Book 2 “Pandora’s Poison” is LIVE!

Finally, the day is here!

It’s my birthday today, but that’s the least of my concerns.

Today is the day BOOK 2 LAUNCHES!

Now, my first published book was a whole six months ago (July 28-29, 2018). So it’s been quite some time bunkering down and absorbing all I can before my second book!

The first (book) pancake

The first book was kind of like the first pancake. Not that it needed to be “thrown out” per se; just that it was the guinea pig.

I’ve grown so much as writer, as a marketing strategist — hell, as a human being! — since.

I didn’t know much at the time. I just knew that I had to PUBLISH THE DAMN THING, so maybe I rushed it a little.

Bear in mind, the draft existed for 15+ years. So the “rush” was really just to “publish” once I’d made up my mind to do it.

And I’m a perfectionist by nature, so even my “rushing it” probably isn’t everyone else’s “rushing it”.

Mind you, Book 1 was edited several times, had a great cover and a good blurb. Which is much more than I can say for many self-published books, so I’m proud I got at least that right (I hope)!

It looked professional, and I got great reviews so far.

Now, I know Book 1 is far from perfect. I love it, and readers did as well, but I personally wish it were significantly shorter — in fact, I managed to dock about 5 pages and re-upload it, post-publication!

But after doing that, I’ve told myself to just leave it alone. It’s out. It’s published. It survived. Move on.

It’ll never be perfect. And there’s no way I can realistically cut 100-200 pages and still tell the same story. There’s also no good point to chop that story in half, and then I’d need to rewrite and “fluff” far too much.

I need to accept that some books fall “outside” of genre norms, and my book just needs to be one of those.

So I’m moving on now, to Darren’s & Luisa’s story.

Books 2 & 3: Moving On

Book 2‘s & Book 3‘s couple is a lot more complicated than Book 1’s.

In Book 1, Kris and Nicole have one major issue in between them: she’s a workaholic, and he picks up the slack far too much with the kids; something’s got to give. With Darren and Luisa, there’s SO much more.

I loved writing their “early” scenes, when they were first falling in love.

I loved writing their “present – bad” scenes, when they’re sniping at each other.

I loved writing their “present – good” scenes, when they’re so tender.

…And that final scene (which bridges Book 2 & 3… OH MY GOD). Wait for it. Just wait for it.

Darren is a VERY difficult guy to love, but still Luisa can’t help herself. She also can’t help herself from feeling caught up in Gianni, who is the guy, as she says, that she “wants to want”.

The thing with Darren is that, as her friend Vicki puts it, early in Book 3:

“Darren Hart isn’t the rainbows and butterflies guy. He’s the one you call when you’re standing over the dead body with the murder weapon in your hand. You’re ridiculously lucky to have that guy. You can’t expect him to be the other kind.”

Even Luisa acknowledges this about him, many times. She’ll get the small-picture stuff from Gianni, but Darren is the big-picture guy. He’s always saving her, rescuing her, taking care of their family in the major ways that count.

That’s love.

When the chips are down, Gianni’s not the one who’s there. It’s Darren. It was always Darren.

You see, love doesn’t always look the way you expect it to look. That’s the lesson Luisa has to learn. And of course, she’s got to learn it the hard way!

So that’s Books 2 & 3 in a nutshell.

Writer Reflection: Gradual Growth

I should mention… Books 2 & 3 are way more emotional, way more steamy, way more provocative, way more profanity-laced, way more EVERYTHING than Book 1! I hope readers are ready!

I’m a little nervous that readers have to wait awhile for the HEA or HFN (Happily Ever After or Happy For Now), and that the semi-cliffhanger may leave them flinging Book 2 (physical copy or their device) at the wall!

But I’ve thought about it long and hard, and I KNOW it’s necessary. Apart from the obvious reason that the length is WAY too long for a single book (seriously — it would only be used as a doorstop!), you also need to take a break from this couple.

There’s a natural “break” between the two books because Darren and Luisa  barely speak to each other for awhile. And a couple of months will be sufficient time to BREATHE before all the Book 3 action kicks off.

Book 3 is SWIFT. I’m warning you.

But anyway, I realise, as I look back at these three books, that I’ve matured as a writer.

Book 1‘s first draft was written when I was in my late teens, on the cusp of adulthood. I knew so little about relationships then! And still, I was writing such a story!

But Book 2 & even more so Book 3… yeah, I was a lot older and more mature by the time those rolled around.

My writing is better. I see myself in these books, more than Book 1.

And I’m ready to rip off the band-aid and expose Book 2 to the world.

It’s happening. It’s today.

It’s out there. It’s published.

I’m a little scared. *Deep breath*… here goes nothing.

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