Book 3 – Reviews
Book 3 “Pandora’s Price” is the third instalment of the Hart & Cole series, and I must say a huge THANK YOU to each and every single reader!
This third book wraps things up tidily for a bit, bringing a close to the main story arc for the time being. I’m taking a break for awhile to work on the next two books knocking around in my head.
I still have characters demanding their stories to be told, so more will come in time 🙂
As always, thank you for having faith in me and my characters, and please if you are reading this and HAVEN’T left a review yet, hop over to the Amazon page NOW and do it! 🙂
Love, Sacha

“Heart Touching Brilliance!!”
There aren’t enough star ratings to give this book, this author, this series… 5 stars just aren’t enough!!
This author is Phenomenal… brilliant in her storytelling. She transported me directly into this book, I was there, I watched all this happen and felt every single emotion that has ever been named, I even felt the texture of the walls of the different scenes.
Phenomenally Brilliant!!!
“An emotional read unlike any other!”
I’ve become addicted to this series and to this life-changing storyline. It’s a tangled tale of lies, deceit, mistakes and trust. It’s so real and emotional and I loved every second of it.
Yes, at times it was hard to read and yes, I shed many tears and yes sometimes I had to take a reading break but ultimately, I only reacted this way because I felt so connected with these characters on such a deep level.
“Another addition to an addictive series!”
I was completely invested in these books from the very first one but this is a series that leaves you believing the next book couldn’t possibly be as good and then it exceeds all expectations.
Everything about this book, these characters, this series, is real, raw and emotional. I couldn’t even begin to compose a review that gives this story justice. The depth and character growth of Darren and Luisa alone are enough to earn this author a spot on my “must read” list.!
Holy heartburn. This book has everything and is everything. Real and raw emotion. I literally felt the emotions climbing off the pages.
I’m sitting in stunned silence not sure I will ever have adequate words to express my appreciation for this book and series.
These books are very dark — there are no perfect little relationships here. All of the characters have gotten so entangled in each other’s lives. It’s not a pretty sight.
If you enjoy stories on relationships and just how real — and real crazy — people can be when love and family are involved, you will enjoy this book and series.

“What the heck”
Wow! I can’t believe this story. These characters are something else. So much emotion and pain written here. The author didn’t care how you felt. The author just wanted you to feel what the characters felt. To experience what they felt when their world was falling apart.
I have read the growth and character through every book. And I’m ready for something amazing to happen. These characters have changed so much and it’s amazing how the author achieved their success. I really enjoyed the writing style.
“Stunning, breathtaking, and brilliant”
Stunning, breathtaking, and brilliant. Just a few, and I mean few, of the many words that flow through my mind as I am reading any of the Hart & Cole novels.
This is an intricate and in depth story of relationships and marriage, love and heartbreak.
“Great book in a great series”
This is not a sappy, cute romance but a visceral, emotional read. I have enjoyed this book immensely as I had the previous books.
The characters are amazing and I could relate to bits and pieces of the characters. I do not want to say too much because I know I would give away parts of the story. I am glad I spent my time with this book and look forward to reading more from this author in the future.
“Compelling to your core!”
A fantastic well written read with a nice flow of twists that will rattle you to your core from the first page to the last and will have you pleading for more.
A whirlwind of emotions and sizzling popping chemistry. This is one of those reads that will get under your skin and continue to stick with you from one read to the next.
“Read series in order”
Please do not read this series out of order. You will be doing yourself and the author a disservice.
There is so much realism in the writing that it was like watching relationships my friends are involved in.
Like I’ve said in a previous review, this is not all unicorns and glittery rainbows, it’s raw and emotional and real.