Book 2 – Reviews - Sacha T. Y. Fortuné

Book 2 – Reviews

Book 2 “Pandora’s Poison” is the second instalment of the Hart & Cole series, and again I just want to say  a huge THANK YOU to each and every single reader!

There’s a bit of a cliffhanger at the end, which readers will note! (But don’t worry, Book 3 is right behind!)

As always, I write because this story needs to be told, and because my characters won’t shut up!

Thank you for having faith in me and my characters, and please if you are reading this and HAVEN’T left a review yet, hop over to the Amazon page NOW and do it! 🙂

Love, Sacha
“Be prepared to ride the emotional coaster”

Lord, I hate and love this story. It’s sad and beautiful and a big mess. This second book has us in deep.

I hate how life can be so messy. The author really digs deep to write this story. To feel the pain and anguish these characters feel. To know that at any moment it can all come crashing down.

I don’t know what happiness is right now after finishing this story. I’m in shock and I need the next book because I need to know.

Gail, Amazon reviewer

“A gripping story”

Pandora’s Poison is a story of a crumbling marriage, volatile emotions, bitterness and secrets that could destroy. A highly emotional tale that grips you in its extreme intensity. It will shock you. It will anger you. It will intrigue.

Stunning to read. Unbearable to put down. Impossible not to love.

A brilliant tale of infidelity, jealousy, forgiveness and more. The complexities of maintaining a lasting relationship written with such clarity, warts and all I thoroughly recommend.

Chook74, Amazon reviewer

“Phenomenal Must Read Series!”

Just like the first book this one is captivating, addicting, raw, emotional, heart-wrenching, soul-sucking and just unbelievably phenomenal!

I’ve never had a book affect me in quite the way that this one has, I have felt so invested in these characters from the beginning as the story is written with so much detail that it feels like I’m right with there with them every step of the way.

This author has quickly made her way to the top of my list of favorites so quickly and I honestly couldn’t recommend this series enough! It’s one of the best I’ve EVER read, I cannot wait to dive into book 3 as soon as possible to find out how everything will play out!

Kaitlynn, Amazon reviewer


This author has a way with her writing and the word that comes to mind first is hypnotizing, mesmerizing… I don’t know how she does it, but every word draws me in and I just cannot put it down.

Everything felt so so real. It isn’t a storybook; it is a real life book, where no matter what you have experienced in your life, you can actually feel the emotions seeping in, and that is what I’ve come to realize with this author: when I pick her books up, I need to be prepared to face reality and feel the emotions because that’s what she gives me.


Kirchersmiles, Amazon reviewer


I’m not quite sure how she does it, but this second installment in the series is even more captivating than the first! Fortuné continues to surprise and delight, excelling at her writing craft.

Spellbinding, heartbreaking, masterful – this story and its alternating POVs weave a story so dense and deep you will find yourself getting tired from treading water.

Heather, Amazon reviewer

“A five-star read that will turn you”

This is a compelling series and very gritty and shows us the true side of love and relationships — the darker side that most novels won’t cover.

Darren and Luisa are characters that you will get so deep with that you hear them tell their story, you don’t just read something on the page.

Be warned you may not always like their story, but you will be gripped it and you will love this novel.

Sara, Amazon reviewer

“A really great read!”

From the beautiful covers, to the multidimensional characters, intricate storyline, and brilliant detailing — this book ticks all the boxes.

It is such a realistic and relatable woman’s fiction story that takes us on a journey through the inner workings — love, obstacles, insecurities, trust, forgiveness, doubts, pressures, infidelity, passion, and pain — that go into making a relationship/marriage work.

There are intense moments, dramatic details, touching scenes, passionate encounters, believable dialogue, with complex and interesting characters who easily draw you into their story and into the rollercoaster ride that is their relationship/s. It was intriguing, emotive and incredibly well written.

Angela, Amazon reviewer


This is one of those reads that snakes it way under your skin taking a hold of you and refusing to let you go until every word has been read, and even after there is a wave of nerve-rattling aftershocks that continue to toy with you.

A non-stop bundle of twists that take you on a mind numbing emotional rollercoaster ride. Riveting hot chemistry! One heck of a thrilling must read that will be impossible to put down, hard to forget, and will have you wanting more!

Treasa, Amazon reviewer

“I loved this one and I am anxiously awaiting the next in the series!!”

Have you ever wanted to know what was going on in the minds of your friends or neighbors that were falling apart or going through a difficult time?

Well, Sacha T. Y. Fortuné gives you a front row seat to this in her Hart & Cole books. Climbing The Walls hooked me and I have been addicted since. That was a debut novel!!

Fortune can really pour emotion onto a page, I felt it drip off the words as I read them, and often was right there with the characters.

Liz, Amazon reviewer

“The book draws you in…..”

This is a book that had my emotions going on an up and down, as well as wondering what was going to happen next.

It is also a story that I continued to ponder over in my mind long after I had finished reading. This is a series that I would recommend. I can’t wait to read the next book.

Laura, Amazon reviewer

“A marriage is not a happy ending; it’s a beginning of so much more to come…”

The way the writer pulls us into this intricate web of relationships… the emotions you will be drowning in… the heartbreak you will feel….

The writer has given us a glimpse into the darker side of a relationship. As she says herself in the synopsis: “A marriage is not a happy ending; it’s a beginning of so much more to come.” She is giving us that more… the infidelity, the insecurity, the doubt…

Jana, Amazon reviewer


From the first book this author will have you completely hooked from the amazing storyline and the multidimensional characters! This is one of those stories that will completely consume you and you need to read without preface. I can’t stress this enough, read this series blind without spoilers or even a summary. It will take you an amazing rollercoaster ride!

This series is one DEFINITE one click for anyone who needs an ALL CONSUMING story!

Susan, Amazon reviewer


Purchase “Pandora’s Poison” on Amazon now!