Book 1 – Reviews
Book 1 “Climbing The Walls” is the first instalment of the Hart & Cole series, and firstly I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every single reader!
Picking up a book by a new author can be a bit daunting, so I am glad that so many of you did, and took the time to share your thoughts.
I write because this story needs to be told, and because my characters won’t shut up!
Thank you for having faith in me and my characters, and please if you are reading this and HAVEN’T left a review yet, hop over to the Amazon page NOW and do it! 🙂
Love, Sacha

“Phenomenal!! BRILLIANT!!”
I was a total and complete wreck during this book and for about an hour afterwards.
This author took me on a journey through real life and everything that comes with that. I am just in awe at how perfectly everything just worked and I truly felt every single word…
My heart hurt, I smiled, I got so angry I wanted to hit something, I cried and I forgave things I never thought I would, I have become completely and totally emotionally invested in these people… all of them and I want more.
I cannot wait for the next part.
“Amazing. A One-sitting Read”
This book was masterful. What starts off as a slow burn, quickly heats up and then sends you on one emotional rollercoaster that has you holding on for dear life and when it is all said and done, you are begging for more.
I am not typically a fan of first person viewpoint writing but for this book, it works very well. The author managed to created two individual people within the story and tell a first person view from each of them and they did not get lost in each other, nor did one overpower the other.
“One of the best books I’ve ever read!”
How do you properly describe a book that has just wrecked you, completely?
From the beginning I felt emotionally invested in this story and at times it felt like there was a 300lb weight on my chest. This story is beyond emotional, it’s gritty, real, raw, heart-wrenching, shocking and simply phenomenal!
If you’re looking for a fun and easy romance read this is not the book for you, but if you’re looking for a romance read that has the ability to change you as a person, one that will have you at a loss for words and thoughts THIS IS THE ONE FOR YOU!
“WOW,WOW,WOW! Please Read This Book!”
This is one of the best reads I have read in a very long time. It’s raw, real, it has angst, hot steamy passion and incredible characters, twists and turns that leave you wanting and needing more.
Both Kris & Nicole have their story to tell, and boy do they tell it!
“Love it!”
This one has it all. Some angst, hot steamy love, laughter, drama, a magnitude of emotions, and so much more. I loved how it was one of those novels you felt like you were right there and witnessing these lives of the main characters happening. They become real to you and you become invested in them.
“A superb story!”
The author masterfully and tastefully painted a picture of reality, intensity, attraction, and so much more. Many elements made up this tale, coming together maybe not perfectly, but beautifully.
“This book will consume you”
Climbing The Walls is one of those books I wouldn’t suggest starting if you have things that you need to do because it will LITERALLY consume you. There is no such thing as stopping at the end of a chapter and you’ll pick it up later. I promise you’ll keep on reading through!

“Wonderful Story”
The relationship that Kris and Nicole have is one that has raw emotions coming to the forefront. My emotions were going up and down the entire time that I was reading about them.
“I couldn’t put this down”
It’s been days since I read this book and every time I thought I had what I wanted to say straight in my head, it just didn’t seem to do this book justice.
I loved the premise of this book, and the way it was written was unlike anything I’ve read before.
This is a must read. While long, I didn’t skim or skip, it was that important to read it all. I’m chomping at the bit to read what’s next.
“Really good”
My jaw was on the floor while reading this story. It was like watching a reality tv show. Marriage is a struggle and the only way to make it is to do it together. If no one is giving or trying to change then what’s the point? I really like this story and am ready for Book Two.
“Well written”
This book had everything. It had passion and romance as well as angst and nail-biting moments. It is a detailed and interesting book.
The author never lets the story rest for too long before she is moving it on and developing the characters.
I enjoyed how I didn’t always like one of the main characters as well. For me that is exactly how it can be in “real life” and it was great to see that reflected well in a book. It really helped me to connect with them.
“Completely original”
I never read a book like this before. It is definitely not something I will forget any time soon. There is so much going on and it feels so real.
They fight, they love, they struggle. They love each other immensely. This is a book that will stay with you.
“White Rose”
This book is filled with love, heartache, hope, fear, acceptance, friendship, passion, regret, discovery and desperation.
“Great story!”
It took me on an emotional roller coaster ride that left me feeling compassion. This is a story about marriage and the struggles that go along with it.
Will marriages survive or will they fall apart? The characters bring life to the story and made me feel as if I was right there with them.
“A great first impression”
The story has intense moments, dramatic details, touching scenes, believable dialogue, and interesting characters who draw you into their story, giving a front row seat to the ‘show’ that is their rollercoaster relationship. It was intriguing, emotive and well written.