instagram - Sacha T. Y. Fortuné

Writing Challenge Day 7: Bookstagrammer Recommendations

Day 7 and final day of the #BAWritingLife challenge is to say who you follow for Book recommendations.

Day 7 also falls on a timely moment — my “Climbing The Walls” ebook went live on July 28th, closely followed by the paperback version on July 29th — so today marks my 6-week anniversary as a newly published author!

Honestly, I’m still a newbie to Instagram, having been here just a little over a month! So I am still getting the hang of it and discovering AWESOME people to follow every day, one of them being Bethany Atazadeh who posted this challenge!

I have been following mostly Indie Authors, at all ends of the spectrum between super-successful with a full-time career (for inspiration) as well as newbie just-published or about-to-publish authors (so I know I’m not alone)!

There is so much awesome talent out there just waiting to be discovered by readers *eh-erhm, myself included!*

A few I’ve liked in terms of book recommendations so far:

@she.gets.lit.erary (fabulous black and white photography!)

@booksbyindiez (such a neatly laid-out feed! Organisation!) (such pretty, clean graphics!) @booksobsessive @maisiesbooksandblog (all cute feeds with some punchy graphics to inspire you to grab a book!)

That’s all I can think of off the top of my head for now. As an #InstaNewbie, I’m sure I have LOADS more to discover!

Thank you Bethany for this challenge! It was great fun to share a bit of my life, and I made some friends and followers along the way!

Fellow authors — feel free to follow me, I’ll follow back!
Readers — happy to connect with you, feel free to say hello!

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